Hours/ Emergencies

Yellowhorse Mobile Veterinary Service

4095 Zebulon Ave., SW
Concord, NC 28027-9212



Regular Business Hours:business hours          

Monday thru Friday   8am to 5pm   by appointment only

Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays     Emergencies only


After Hours Emergencies: 

We offer 24 hour Emergency care for our regular clients.


In Case of an Emergency:

During Regular Business Hours:  Please call our regular office number: 704-305-3673.

After Regular Business Hours:  For an Emergency outside of our regular business hours, please contact us at 704-305-4777.

 Vacation/Continuing Education/Out of Office:   Our area has a lot of wonderful large animal veterinarians who help each other out.  Contact information will be listed on all of our office voice mails during times when we have to be out of the office for an extended period of time.