This page has been created to introduce you to our On-line Store - one of the many benefits of being a part of the Yellowhorse family.
Note: If you are looking for Platinum Performance products, please scroll down below the Vet Source information. There you will find links to a few of the other product lines we also carry: Platinum Performance, Kentucky Equine Research, and Soft Ride Equine Boots. This is by no means an endorsement of one company over the other - just a listing of some of the products and supplements we use and recommend. They are also available for purchase directly from each individual company. Click on each company's banner below or highlighted name here to be directed to that particular product/manufacturer portal.
All of this convenience is just another way we try to make it easier for you to take good care of your equine friends!
Welcome to Yellowhorse Mobile Vet's On-line Store!
(As a courtesy, this service is reserved for existing clients and patients of Yellowhorse Mobile Veterinary Service.)

We offer the highest quality products to you, our owners and caregivers, to help meet the health care needs of your four-legged companion(s).
With a valid prescription from Dr. Smith, you are able to order your pet's medications on-line! We also carry a comprehensive list of products that are available without a prescription, as well as some items just for dogs and cats. Please click on the Home Delivery Program photo (above) to sign-in to our store.
Shipping Rates: Standard Shipping is FREE for orders over $49.00: Please refer to the Shipping Rate information, on the site, for further details
Products for your pets selected by your Veterinarian! (powered by Vet Source)
Some of our other product lines are also available for purchase directly from the manufacturer. By clicking on the following icons, you will be sent to that particular company's on-line store, where you can place your order from the comfort of your own home!
Platinum Performance - It all starts with a Strong Foundation!
Kentucky Equine Research Products
Soft-Ride? Equine Comfort Boots
For the Ultimate in Horse Hoof Care and Joint Care